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Writer's pictureAgnes Choi

希望會帶給你快樂嗎? Does hope bring you happiness?

直覺上說是」是沒有錯的。但再問為什麼就不知道了! 原來希望理論可以解答呢! 在Agnes讀心理學碩士的時候在正向心理學的課堂了解這個理論。希望理論有提及到, 更有希望的群組會有更多正面情緒, 有更高的生活滿意度, 更高的自我認同感和更敏銳的心理調節。(Lopez, Pedrotti& Synder, 2019)

提高希望以後天的因素為多。希望理論提到有以下元素可以提升希望:  (Snyder, 1994)

目標 + 達成途徑 + 意志力 = 希望

說到這裡, 大家應該不太明白Agnes想說什麼。上次的blog說「When there's a will, there's a way」, 其實Agnes想用自己親身經營花店的經驗告訴你什麼是希望, 不但她只是做漂亮的花束。 她有一天睡醒了, 好開心的想起一條可行之路」以實現她對於Studio of Joy的宏願, 也是目標。這條「可行之路」就是好好的運用她所學的心理學放在花店一些服務裡,寫這些blog是一個好開始。籍著這些blog, Agnes希望帶一點點正面訊息和啟發給這個世界。

Agnes一路是突發奇想的人。她一路都願意新嘗試, 或想到一起新創意而願意實踐的人。她不但經營花店是這樣做, 她本身裡裡外外很多事情都是這樣的人。達成途徑多了, 路擴闊了, 希望就多了, 做事也加勁兒呢!

下一個blog會多講一些希望理論, 一次過告訴你的話真的會消化不良 (哈!), 如果你想知道多一些, 讓你心中的希望發光, 留意下一篇blog囉!

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You're absolutely right that intuitively, hope does bring happiness. However, the deeper question is why that is the case. The hope theory from positive psychology can help explain this.

The hope theory suggests that individuals with higher levels of hope tend to experience more positive emotions, higher life satisfaction, greater self-esteem, and better psychological adjustment (Lopez, Pedrotti & Snyder, 2019).

The key elements of the hope theory are: (Snyder, 1994)

Goal + Pathways + Agency = Hope

Regarding this, you may not fully understands what Agnes is trying to say. In her previous blog post, she said "When there's a will, there's a way", but Agnes actually wants to use her personal experience running a flower shop in Hong Kong to tell you what hope is. It's not just about making beautiful flower bouquets and arrangements at her flower shop.

One day, Agnes woke up feeling excited as she thought of a "feasible path" to realize her grand vision for the Studio of Joy, which is also her goal. This "feasible path" is to apply the psychological knowledge she has learned and incorporate it into some of the services at her flower shop. Writing these blogs is a good start. Through these blogs, Agnes hopes to bring a little positivity and inspiration to the world.

Agnes has always been a person with spontaneous but valuable ideas. She is willing to try new things or come up with new creative ideas and put them into practice. This is reflected by not just how she runs her flower shop, but also how she is in many aspects of her life. As she always has more possible paths to achieve her goals, her hope grows, and she becomes even more motivated in taking actions.

The next blog post will go into more detail about the hope theory. Telling you everything at once might be too much to digest (Haha!), so if you want to learn more and let the hope within you shine, be sure to watch out for the next blog post! References

Lopez, S. J., Pedrotti, J. T., & Snyder, C. R. (2019). Positive psychology: The scientific and practical explorations of human strengths. SAGE Publications, Inc.

Snyder, C. R. (1994). The psychology of hope: You can get there from here. Free Press.

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