Agnes第一次接觸的外國玫瑰, 覺得好似巨人玫瑰一樣, 有粗壯而高挑的花莖, 大大的花冠, 真的大得嚇人呢! 但是就是這麼出眾的外觀, 才可以吸引很多女士的青睞。這個外表令Agnes想起小王子的玫瑰, 小王子如此鍾愛那朵鮮紅色玫瑰, 確實是厄瓜多爾的玫瑰才做得到這樣一枝獨秀呢! Agnes還以為厄瓜多爾和肯亞是鄰國, 原來不是, 厄瓜多爾是在南美洲, 是一個非常漂亮的國家, 有殖民地色彩的建築物。但美麗背後, 都有很多國家治安的問題。Agnes本想去看看花田, 看來都不行了, 唯有將玫瑰運送到香港欣賞比較安全。 厄瓜多爾玫瑰主要產自中北部的科多帕希火山(Cotopaxi)火山地區。那裡常年氣候溫和,雨水充足,雖然山高林密,地勢險要,卻是適合玫瑰和其他珍貴花卉的盛產地。火山堆積形成當地肥沃的土壤,加上每天的長日照,夜晚低溫使厄瓜多爾玫瑰的外觀特別。 厄瓜多爾玫瑰的色澤艷麗,品種多樣,不同花色的玫瑰品種有超過300種。最明顯區別於本土玫瑰的是厄瓜多爾的彩色玫瑰。彩色玫瑰中最特別的一種是彩虹玫瑰,這種玫瑰一朵花上有紅、黃、藍三色,因為這是厄瓜多爾國旗的主色調,這種玫瑰在厄瓜多爾也特別暢銷。 Agnes最近引入很多外國花材, 不只厄瓜多爾, 還有荷蘭、哥倫比亞、肯亞等國的花, 可以製作出別出心裁的花束或花藍等產品給客人們呢!
When Agnes first encountered with foreign roses doing floral arrangement, the roses . These roses appeared like giant roses with sturdy and tall stems and large flower heads. Their size was truly astounding! However, this remarkable appearance attracts many ladies. This outward beauty reminded Agnes of the rose from "The Little Prince." Just like how the Little Prince loved and cared of that vibrant red rose, one can truly appreciate such exceptional beauty from Ecuadorian roses.
Agnes thought that Ecuador and Kenya were neighboring countries, but she soon discovered that they were not. Ecuador, located in South America, is a remarkably beautiful country adorned with colonial-style buildings. However, behind its beauty it lies various security concerns. Agnes had intended to visit flower fields there, but it seems that it is no longer feasible owing to the security issues. Instead, she decided to have the roses shipped to Hong Kong for a safer appreciation. Ecuadorian roses are primarily grown in the central-northern region around the Cotopaxi volcano. This area enjoys a mild climate and abundant rainfall throughout the year. Despite the dense forests and challenging terrain of the high-altitude mountains, it is an ideal location for the cultivation of roses and other precious flowers. The volcanic deposits have contributed to the fertility of the soil, and the combination of ample daylight hours and cool temperatures at night creates a unique environment for the growth of Ecuadorian roses.
Ecuadorian roses are renowned for their vibrant colors and diverse varieties. There are over 300 different rose varieties available. The most distinctive feature that sets Ecuadorian roses apart from local varieties is their colorful nature. One particularly remarkable type is the rainbow rose, which displays three colors—red, yellow, and blue—on a single flower. This combination of colors represents the primary colors of the Ecuadorian flag, making this rose variety particularly popular within Ecuador as well.
Lately, Agnes has found the sources of a variety of foreign flowers, not just from Ecuador but also from countries like the Netherlands, Colombia, and Kenya. These flowers allow her to create unique arrangements, bouquets, and floral products for the customers.